
T-Mobile planning 7-inch Android Tablet

April 6, 2009 at 5:28 pm

T-Mobile AndroidT-Mobile is planning to release a number of communication devices running on the Android operating system according to documents obtained by the New York Times. This includes a home phone early next year and a tablet computer thereafter. Details at this stage are sketchy, however we know that this tablet (without keyboard) will have a 7-inch touch screen and handle basic computing jobs such as mail, managing data across a variety of devices in the home or checking the weather.

“A T-Mobile spokesman, Peter Dobrow, declined to discuss the specifics of any future products but confirmed that T-Mobile had plans for several devices based on Android.”

It’s not specified which companies would make either device, though the home phone would have a dock and a second charge-plus-sync peripheral. T-Mobile isn’t the first operator to offer such a device. In the UK O2 recently launched the Joggler with similar aims, while in France Orange offers the “Tabby” tablet PC.


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