
ION netbooks snapped

May 14, 2009 at 11:56 am

ION netbooksIf there were any doubts that ION netbooks were on the horizon, then a gallery of pictures from PCPop should lay those to rest. These pictures show a number of ION-based products including motherboards, nettops as well as netbooks. The ION netbooks are all from non-descript manufacturers, but at least it highlights that (hopefully) it can’t be too long before we start to see ION from the major netbook brands.

The netbooks looks fairly cheap in terms of design, but all models seem to feature HDMI output which will be appealing to some. We are hoping for lots more exciting ION announcements at the start of Computex Taipei on June 2nd. Click through for some pictures of the ION netbooks.

Nvidia Ion

Nvidia Ion

Nvidia Ion

Via IonBased [via].

Thanks Matt!


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