Lenovo Ideapad S12 ION now on sale in US
October 22, 2009 at 12:51 pm
The Lenovo Ideapad S12 ION went on sale in Japan yesterday and now the configuration option has popped up on the Lenovo US website. It is available to order right now for $599 and ships in 11 business days.
The specs are exactly the same as the Japanese version. The Ideapad S12 ION has a 12.1-inch (1280 x 800) display powered by a 1.6GHz N270 Atom CPU. It comes with Windows 7 Home Premium (32-bit), 250GB HDD & 2GB RAM as standard. Other features include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (b/g), 1.3MP webcam, three USB ports, 4-in-1 card reader, HDMI-out and a 6-cell battery good for 6 hours.
Via Netbooked.
October 22nd, 2009 6:16 PM
hmm,.. I think Lenovo have missed the boat with this one. Everyone wanted one of these little babies and then delay after delay, it mush be at least 6 months now?
I check the HP site, after upgrading components to match the Lenovo (where possible) i got a price of 550ish, of course with a better screen as well.
Maybe this will be a lesson for Lenovo, don’t hold back hardware for silly marketing reasons, let us have it when it is ready!
October 22nd, 2009 7:43 PM
They did miss the boat. I have been waiting for it since July, because I wanted ION not W7. And now they can kiss me goodbye. $600 price tag !!!??? I lost, they lost, who won? Microsoft. Good that I bought their stocks.
October 23rd, 2009 7:17 PM
I agree, this is quite a shame of lenovo. First endless delays, then much more expensive than initially taunted. The RAM and HDD upgrades over the previous models seem like a poor excuse to raise the price and more of a necessity to keep up with standards after the delays. For just a little more, you can get much more potent laptops in the CULV category. Ion or not, $600 is not worth it for an atom-based system. While I wish there were more 12″ “netbooks” out there, there are plenty of alternatives to the s12 on the horizon or already available.
October 24th, 2009 12:47 AM
Fuck u IBM. Meeeeeoooooowwwww.
October 24th, 2009 12:48 AM
I’m gonna buy a chicken and a cow…meoooow?!
October 24th, 2009 12:49 AM
Beyonce had the best netbook of the year!
October 26th, 2009 6:07 PM
I got it on 10/25 when it was part of their Windows 7 sale.
After my employee discount, it worked out to be less than a similarly configured HP mini 311.
I’m hoping that the S12 will also be easy to hackintosh, as the S10-2 was.
October 26th, 2009 6:09 PM
@David, or anyone else who might know:
How is the 311’s screen better than the S12?
October 26th, 2009 10:51 PM
Yes, 311 screen is smaller, but has native 16:9 resolution as oppose to S12’s WXGA 1200×800. Personally I find it better for HD viewing. Nothing else. Half an inch is not a big difference. Anyway I just bought 2 311 minis after a long and dissaponting wait for S12. One fully loaded (N280, 250HD, 3GB, WiFi g+BT, W7) was $585 second base model for $399. I’m not paing Lenovo $600 for such a long wait and worse components.