
Latest Chrome OS build adds ION hardware acceleration

February 19, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Chrome OS FlowGoogle’s Chrome OS is still months away from an official release, however, there is already a large group of underground developers trying to keep things fresh. The latest release from Hexxeh called Flow is interesting as, amongst other things, it includes Nvidia GPU support i.e. full ION hardware acceleration.

This means 720p and 1080p YouTube HD video content should be no problem for those on ION-powered netbooks using this latest build. Other features include user-customisable menus, automatic updates, battery life improvements, webcam support and various other bug fixes. You can download the release from here.

Via Engadget.


140 Responses to “Latest Chrome OS build adds ION hardware acceleration”


  1. 非官方Chrome OS已经完美支持NVIDIA ION平台 » Chrome迷
  2. Chromium OS gets NVIDIA Ion video acceleration | Chrome OS Fans
