
Solar powered netbooks on the horizon

May 14, 2009 at 5:12 pm

iUnika Solar Powered NetbooksIn what surely must be a netbook first, some solar-powered netbooks have made an appearance from Spanish company iUnika. It presented the models at a Free Knowledge Foundation sponsored LibreMeeting in Madrid.

These eco-nomical models sported solar panels on their bioplastic (and biodegradeable) casings. The panels will probably produce no more than 4 watts of power, however this should be enough to keep the netbook charged whilst off.

iUnika says that these eco-friendly netbooks will come with an 8-inch (800 x 480) display. They will be powered by a 400MHz processor, 128MB of RAM and come with a very generous 64GB of flash memory. Other features will include Wi-Fi and an Ethernet connection. These netbooks will weigh just 700g and cost between €130 and €160 when they launch in late June. Check out a larger picture after the jump. Read more
