
RIM CEO: No ‘Blackberry’ netbook plans

May 19, 2009 at 10:57 am

RIM's BlackberryResearch In Motion’s co-CEO, Jim Balsillie, has ruled out any plans for a future netbook. The Blackberry manufacturer says that it wants to focus on diversifying the range of handsets it offers rather than jumping on the netbook bandwagon.

RIM is looking at expanding the typical Blackberry range with candy-bar handsets, phones with touch-screen controls as well as those with mini-QWERTY keypads. “Form factor is a personal preference but it’s got to be something that lasts the better part of the day and you can hold up to your ear and clip onto your belt. Those are a very tight systems constraints for a netbook,” said Balsillie.

When questioned about the trying to cram too much into a phone’s dimensions he said, “if you want richer keyboards and richer displays you can just use peripherals and Bluetooth.” It looks like RIM is taking a modular approach rather than providing an integrated solution.

Via Pocket-Lint.


One Response to “RIM CEO: No ‘Blackberry’ netbook plans”

  1. nebben said:
    May 19th, 2009 6:08 PM

    It will be interesting to see who else, besides airline companies, will benefit from in-flight WiFi.
