Apple iPad interest waning?
February 8, 2010 at 10:58 am
It was somewhat unusual that Apple launched a product without it being almost immediately available. When Apple launched the iPad tablet at the end of January, it did so knowing that it won’t be in consumers hands for another couple of months. One of the dangers of this is that people will stop caring, well at least until Apple’s marketing juggernaut is unleashed.
A survey by Retrevo has shown that Apple has not convinced people to buy the new Apple iPad as well as losing some potential customers following its official announcement. They conducted two surveys, one before and one after the announcement with 1,000 people. Unfortunately, the number of people saying that they weren’t interested in buying the tablet doubled from 26 percent before the announcement to 52 percent afterwards.
The number of people deciding that they don’t need the Apple iPad moved from 49 percent to 61 percent after the announcement. The additional costs relating to the 3G SKU is also not popular with many respondents saying that they wouldn’t pay extra. It will be interesting to see how these numbers change just before release.
February 8th, 2010 12:51 PM
I share the same opinion that the Ipad is a little too hyped up and most folk in all fairness, Don’t really need one if they have an Iphone/Ipod Touch or some other decent phone as it does pretty much the same thing!
February 8th, 2010 1:54 PM
Not surprised at all. Negatives on Apple iPad,
ERGONOMICALLY UNSUITABLE: After few minutes of using the iPad, it’ll become obvious to the user that he/she needs to adjust to its form factor a whole lot more than one would for, say, the netbook (the nearest ‘feature-competitor’ if you will). In the netbook, the screen can be adjusted as per surrounding light conditions to get the perfect viewing angle. Besides, ergonomically the iPad is too large a device to use comfortably .. so the next best practical usable device would be the netbook. I don’t think any body minds carrying the keyboard along with the netbook either.
HANDLE WITH CARE: You will be required to be much more careful with iPad. Its a beautiful looking , feeling , ‘neat-components-laden’ thingy. Some of us may not be suited to use this as its supposed to be. Its a delicate darling according to me.
NETBOOKS HAVE MUCH MORE TO OFFER AT BETTER PRICE POINTS: Speaking of netbooks, as of now they offer many more features and a better performance @ cheaper (in some cases , much cheaper) price points & they would be a lot more capable of rough handling.
NO ADOBE FLASH SUPPORT: This isn’t a small omission. This is a much required feature to watch videos since big majority of the videos on the internet use flash. Come to think of it, this alone is good enough reason for anybody to skip the iPad .. !!??
According to me, Tablet Forms are most usable and ergonomically practical as pocketable Mini Internet Tablet devices: ideal as SMARTPHONES (3 – 5 inches screen ; E.g.: Apple iphone, Nokia N900, upcoming Dell Mini 5) or PLAYERS (E.g.: Cowon).
Having said all of the above, I just dont see myself spending on an Apple iPad despite it’s best feature – the low price for a head turner like this. Its a novel item though – you gotta give it that.
The reverse is also true. To put it in perpective, its the same as watching TV on your watch or a tiny 5 inch screen. The novelty of it is exciting, but whats the point, you need at least 14 inches of TV screen size to truly get viewing pleasure and I dont mind being perched in a place to do so … its about the usability too right .. so I think Apple may have just come out with a super duper E-Book Reader at the most unless there are more advancements to cater to above negatives.
February 8th, 2010 8:10 PM
Well the “definitely” figure has gone from 3% to 9%, and the “interested but need more info” has gone from 19% to 21%. So the total interested have gone from 22% to 30%.
That’s an 8% rise in people who will purchase, and that’s all Apple needs. Plus when the product is actually available for sale, we’ll see another burst of publicity. One thing is certain, Apple certainly knows how to reach audiences that are normally not interested in these products at all.
February 9th, 2010 4:44 AM
Get a load of this: Apple has said it plans to remain “nimble” on the pricing of the iPad. Link: .
Hmm … Apple seems wary of the above pie chart even before it starts selling iPad. So am guessing, anyone who pre-orders may end up paying more. So wait a while. But then, Apple may keep the prices same and provide enhanced capabilities and performance features for the same price tag – this is also one way to ‘maintain’ a good price. In that case, the first iPad may just turn out to be a beta version to test customer reaction.
Apple is smart at selling so worthwhile to watch how they plan to infiltrate your homes with this gadget. I am guessing they will reduce prices later.
March 9th, 2010 4:58 AM
The point I tried to make: . Apple iPad is a ‘NO’ GO.