LG X300 super thin ultraportable in video hands-on
March 24, 2010 at 5:11 pm
The LG X300 is one of the thinnest 11.6-inch ultraportable’s around. It measures just 17.5mm in thickness and weighs only 970g. Engadget has managed to get some hands-on time with the X300 and felt that it was more akin to holding an e-reader rather than a laptop.
Build quality seems solid, despite the plastic construction. The screen was bright although a bit too glossy. The keyboard has no flex, but there are concerns over the touchpad and the click mechanism, despite it being quite large overall.
It is expected to hit some regions by the end of the month (not including Europe or the US) although pricing still remains a mystery (we can guarantee it won’t be cheap though!) Check out the hands-on video after the cut.
March 24th, 2010 6:53 PM
This as a convertible Tablet would be intesting. Graphics?
March 25th, 2010 3:35 PM
I want one, now!