Google Chrome OS netbook compatibility list
November 30, 2009 at 9:31 pm
Google’s Chrome OS is still at the very early stages with the source code only recently released. For those interested in testing Chromium OS (the open-source project name of Chrome OS), the developer page has been handily updated to include which netbooks should work with the operating system.
They only list the systems that can run the unmodified Chromium OS source code first time round. It highlights which functionality works and which is broken for the netbooks tested so far. For instance, only those netbooks using the Atheros wireless module will work, the Broadcom module will not. Read more
Google Chrome OS benched against Moblin & Ubuntu Netbook Remix
November 24, 2009 at 12:18 pm
Even though Google’s Chromium OS (Chrome OS) only launched last week, Phoronix wasted no time in comparing the latest development build to some of the most popular Linux operating systems. It conducted a number of tests, benchmarking Chromium OS against Moblin 2.1 and Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. Desktop Linux distros Fedora 12 and openSUSE 11.2 were also included.
The benchmark tests covered everything from video playback performance to encoding to battery power consumption and CPU/memory usage tests. The test netbook used was the popular Samsung NC10 with 2GB RAM and a 32GB SSD.
Interestingly, Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 came out on top, having the best battery life and lowest CPU/memory usage. The desktop distro OpenSUSE 11.2, was second, whilst Moblin 2.1 came third. Chromium OS was bottom of the pile, although considering very early source code has been released this is not entirely surprising. Check out the thorough tests at Phoronix.
Via Netbooked.
Google Chrome OS & Android to “converge over time”
November 23, 2009 at 5:23 pm
When Google Chrome OS was first announced, many questioned the strategy of needing two operating systems one for smartphones (Android) and the other for netbooks/smartbooks (Google Chrome OS). It appears that this point hasn’t been lost with Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google. He has said that at some point down the road both the Android and Google Chrome operating systems will merge into a single OS.
Both operating systems have common Linux and Webkit code that should enable the transition. “Android and Chrome will likely converge over time,” said Brin at a Chrome OS presentation last Thursday. However, realistically, this is some time away as Google is currently concentrating developing each fledgling platform separately. Whilst Android is already on smartphones, Chrome OS isn’t expected to appear until Q4 2010. Read more
Google Chrome OS explained [Video]
November 19, 2009 at 9:00 pm
Google has come clean on its Chrome OS project today and open-sourced the OS. The “Chromium OS” project provides free code and will be open for contributions for the next year. Google is aiming for Chrome OS to be released to the public this time next year.
However, what exactly is Chrome OS? To that end, Google has produced a number of short videos to educate the public on how its new OS differs from the rest. As we already know, the entire experience is web-based, including all applications. This means fewer security risks and no messing around with installing or uninstalling apps. Read more
Google planning Chrome OS event tomorrow
November 18, 2009 at 11:36 am
Whilst rumours suggested that we may be getting a Beta release of Google’s Chrome operating system this week, it looks like we may have to settle for some demos instead. TechCrunch is reporting that Google is holding a Chrome OS event at its Mountain View headquarters tomorrow morning (19th November) where it will give a “complete overview” of the new OS.
They plan to give some technical background information on the operating system as well showing off some demos. We’ll hopefully get some firm indication as to when it should launch (most likely next year). Whether we see an Alpha or Beta release this week too, remains to be seen.
Google Chrome OS available to download next week
November 13, 2009 at 11:14 am
Google Chrome OS is expected to launch “within a week” according to TechCrunch. The operating system that will be targeted to netbooks, is expected to see an early version available to download compatible with a select number of netbooks.
Google has previously said that it is partnering with a number of companies including Acer, ASUS, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, and Toshiba. However, I would imagine that given the difficulty with driver support only a limited number of manufacturers/netbook models will be supported.
Google has done very well keeping leaks of its new operating system out of the public eye. Hopefully, there’s not too a long wait to see it in the flesh.
Lenovo rubbishes Linux but confirms looking at Chrome OS
November 4, 2009 at 1:43 pm
Lenovo has put the boot into Linux netbooks, saying that the introduction of Windows 7 makes the gap even wider than before. Howard Locker, director of Lenovo’s new technology department, also confirmed that they are looking into alternatives including Google’s Chrome OS.
Lenovo launched Linux netbooks targeting the education market back in October 2008, but canned them following poor sales. “Our S9 and S10 model netbooks had Linux loads, but they didn’t do well so we stopped selling them. People didn’t realize what they bought, and they returned them because they expected Windows and thought they were broken,” Locker said. Read more
First shots of Google Chrome OS appear
October 14, 2009 at 8:28 pm
It seems that a few enthusiasts have stumbled onto some early code for Google’s Chrome OS, which gives us a first look at the operating system. Google had placed a “chromeos” folder in the Chromium build folder that users were able to install.
Interestingly, the results look very similar to how the Chrome browser looks right now. However, it’s only when you look closer that you can spot some important differences. For example, the upper left corner seems to present a new logo (different from the Chrome browser one) that opens a short links window. Read more
Chrome OS-powered devices surfacing in mid-October?
September 30, 2009 at 6:35 pm
Google’s Chrome OS is not meant to be hitting netbooks/smartbooks until 2010. However, there seems to be constant chatter coming from Asia that devices will be released this year sporting the new operating system.
The first devices to see the new OS are expected to be powered by the Chinese-designed Loongson CPU. Devices with the Loongson 2F CPU are designed to run Linux software.
Shanzai is reporting that Chrome OS devices will start to appear in mid-October. Netbooks will be the first recipients of the new OS with smartbooks following. There’s not too much time to find out whether all of this is true, personally I’d take all of this news with a pinch of salt.
Tegra-powered smartbooks running Google Chrome OS in development
September 24, 2009 at 2:22 pm
Earlier this month, rumours surfaced that smartbooks using the Nvidia Tegra platform were in development using Google’s upcoming Chrome OS. Now JKOnTheRun has heard directly from the horse’s mouth that these devices are indeed being planned. Mike Rayfield, Nvidia’s GM of Mobile Business, has said that Nvidia is “working closely with Google,” on the Chrome OS platform. Nvidia plan to support Windows Mobile/Google Android in the smartphone segment and Windows CE/Google Chrome OS in the smartbook segment.
The Tegra platform is different to ION in that it pairs an ARM-based processor with an Nvidia GeForce GPU (ION pairs an Intel Atom CPU with the Nvidia 9400M graphics). The benefits of Tegra includes the ability to handle 1080p video, HD Flash, GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G and a huge battery life. All of this while being very energy efficient.
Asus releasing Moblin Eee PC in October?
August 7, 2009 at 3:11 pm
Asus is planning on releasing an Eee PC netbook that comes pre-installed with the Moblin operating system according to Sascha over at
He confirmed that it will not be a new model and is likely to be found in the company’s Seashell range of Eee PC netbooks. There’s no confirmation of price or exactly which regions these new models will be availale in, but Sascha says that it should be out by October.
He also says that Asus is working very closely with the Google Chrome OS developer team in Taipei. He’s planning on visiting them next week, so maybe we’ll find out some more information about Google’s plans then.
Dell interested in Chrome OS and Moblin for future netbooks
July 16, 2009 at 4:00 pm
Dell is one of the few manufacturers that has embraced Linux on its ‘Mini’ range of netbooks. Its Mini 9 and Mini 10 devices had options with Ubuntu as well as Windows. The good news is that Dell looks like it is considering other Linux options for future netbooks too. Dell’s Doug Anson has said that the company is “very interested” in Moblin and is currently evaluating Chrome OS.
He sees all of these different Linux-based operating systems leading to a “renaissance within the PC and small device industry”. Anson went on to say, “these alternative operating environments are truly “different” from the traditional Windows platform – they don’t attempt to simply “mimic” Windows”.
Dell is working closely with key partners (Canonical and Intel) in developing potential offerings for Moblin, which it sees as “the next evolutionary step of the traditional Linux environment”. Whilst anything tangible may be some time away, it is encouraging that Dell is encouraging the use of these alternative operating systems. Hopefully, Jolicloud will also be on that list soon too.
Google Chrome OS screenshots leaked; partners named
July 9, 2009 at 11:08 am
Update: The screenshots were indeed faked. See here for more detail.
Following yesterday’s announcement of the Google Chrome Operating System that will initially hit netbooks next year, a few more bits of information are beginning to come through. This includes what look like the first images of the Chrome OS that have been leaked.
The leak comes from someone who has taken extreme measures to remain anonymous. He has hastily created a WordPress blog called ‘Chrome OS Leak’, with some initial impressions of the OS as well as a few blurry screenshots. He works for a company that supplies parts for Acer laptops and was given a demonstration of the Chrome OS by a Google Rep. Read more
Google Chrome OS coming to netbooks in 2010
July 8, 2009 at 11:53 am
The speculation surrounding a Google operating system has existed for many years. Finally, the rumours are no more, Google has officially announced the Google Chrome Operating System. As you can probably tell by the name, the OS is a natural extension of the Chrome browser. It is an “open source, lightweight” OS that will initially be targeted to netbooks for release in the second half of 2010.
Google says that the key attributes of the Chrome OS are “speed, simplicity and security”. The OS is based on Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. This means that much of the user experience takes place on the web (or cloud computing if you like). The Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 and ARM chips, so there should be no limitations on whether we see this OS on netbooks or smartbooks. Read more
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